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The horrific execution of Clayton Lockett by lethal injection this spring in Oklahoma took an astonishing 43 minutes to complete

The horrific execution of Clayton Lockett by lethal injection this spring in Oklahoma took an astonishing 43 minutes to complete. Together with other botched killings, the incident has focused attention on the inexperience and incompetence that now accompanies many executions in America.

 "After he died, an autopsy showed potentially toxic levels of the drug in his system, suggesting he also attempted an overdose before he was executed."  

So he might have done this to himself with the drug reaction issue.  Who knows if it would have been this bad if he hadn't attempted to OD first.  

But if you read about what he did to that girl, he deserved every second of that agony.  He buried a girl alive for shit's sake!

Guillotines have moving parts and require mechanical maintenance and lubrication (plenty of failed beheading by guillotine in France when it was in vogue), they're also needlessly bloody when a bag of nitrogen accomplishes the same goal.

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