Human intercourse with real people who donated their bodies to science and to make education interesting
Human intercourse with real people who donated their bodies to science and to make education interesting. (The picture was taken by me when I visited a very controversial German exhibition called "Körperwelten")
All the bodies are donated and the people knew what they where getting into, but its still controversial
After some actual research, I found out that there have been multiple controversies about some corpses and how they were obtained. And in the end they were sadly donated.
I did a bit of research on this topic, and my takeaway is this:
The exhibition uses Chinese bodies. van Hagen has also access to enough bodies through the donation program (according to their site, there are 17k registered donors in Germany).
Van Hagen made a statement at some point about bodies that he destroyed because they had injuries that made him suspect that they are prisoners (eg. chinese ones)
He later clarified that he was referring to bodies that he was preparing as contract work for others (eg. research institutes); he later ceased that activity
A German court found that the allegations regarding the "chinese bodies" against van Hagen were unfounded
To add even more confusion, it seems that van Hagen indirectly accused a competitor of his, premiere exhibitions, of using bodies of chinese prisoners
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