The pros and cons of public executions

  1. Some years ago, a man in Texas was convicted of murdering his family in an arson fire. The fire expert testified that that the burn pattern could only come from a deliberately set fire. But then another fire happened, clearly accidental, with an almost identical burn pattern. It turned out that the expert was making some assumptions that had never been tested. A test was arranged. A house was burned. It burned exactly as the convicted man said his own house had burned. It proved that the burn pattern could very likely be an accidental fire. Texas refused to revisit the case. They knowingly executed a man who was almost certainly innocent. Afterwards, they quietly changed their standards for arson investigations. One innocent man executed is enough reason to not have executions. That's an “oops” that can never be redeemed.
  2. If you have public executions, you have an audience. That means money. “NBC's coverage of today's execution is brought to you by Orkin, exterminating vermin since 1954, and Paramount's latest film, Death Penalty, starring Reese Witherspoon.” Once money is involved, the pressure for more and more and more will be on. A few years ago, a private juvenile facility was caught bribing judges to incarcerate teenagers at a high rate. Jaywalking could become a capital offense if enough people can stuff their pockets.
  3. In WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, the military doctors gave wounded soldiers morphine. Many of them returned home as addicts. The pharmaceutical industry has never forgotten the profits they made. Some of the prescription medicines available today are almost identical to heroin. tens of thousands have become addicted because the medical establishment has said these pills were good. It's hard to convince people that drugs are bad when the legal drug industry is also addicting people. When the mainstream establishment promotes a behavior, it is hypocritical to say that behavior is bad How can we say killing people is bad if our own government makes a public spectacle out of killing people? Public executions practically guarantees more murders.
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