The execution methods that were actually used by the Vikings

We know that elderly people were thrown ( or went voluntarily ) off cliffs, so they would not be a continued burden. Infants were left in the wild to die of exposure.

The Jomsviking lost the Battle of Jørungavåg and were beheaded (by axe). The details of the executions is high literature thanks to Snorri Sturlasson. He also relates how Olav Tryggvasson put some wizards onto some skerries that were inundated at high-tide. The holy trees (in Uppsala for example) had some strange fruits as humans, probably thralls were hung there.
Not only thralls had to because of the crops failed:

This is an illustration (from 1880s) of an event which is probably before the attack on Lindisfarne, and relates to how king Domalde had to perish so weather could improve. The saga is not that specific about how they actually did it. The Tollund Man is probably another (nameless) king that had the same fate. (pre-viking age too, but it could probably have happened in the viking age)

so there was a spectrum of possibilities. The method that is most famous is Blood eagle which may or not be true, but those were hard times anyway.

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