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This case— “44 days in hell”or “concrete-wrapped girl” case . This gut-wrenching case shooked me to the core… how can some people stoop down so low and do this absolutely disgusting sh*

This case— “44 days in hell”or “concrete-wrapped girl” case . This gut-wrenching case shooked me to the core… how can some people stoop down so low and do this absolutely disgusting sh*t…

This case was about a girl named junko furuta a Japanese High school student. She once got a proposal from a boy who was a school bully and had yakuza connections.. she rejected the proposal, after some days she got kidnapped by that bully along with 4 more boys.

Image source: Google

Over the course of 44 days , junko was raped 400 times , threatened and was tortured to an extent that that her internal organs were severely damaged. They used to keep her naked all the time and made her eat live cockroaches to survive. Even when she tried calling police they would beat her by hanging her from the ceiling by iron rods, golf clubs etc. As if this wasn't enough Her eyelids and genitals were burned with cigarettes, lighters, and hot wax.

Once they challenge junko that if she beats them in the mahjong game they would let her free.. and when she won boys became so enraged they showed no mercy and tortured her to death. Scared of being charged with murder, they dumped her body in a 55-gallon drum, filled it with concrete, and dropped it on a cement truck .They thought they would never be caught.

After getting caught with mountain of evidences those monsters received shockingly light sentences.

This is so sickening..


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