Kenyan Singer Allows Fans Dip Fingers Into Her Privates (picture)

Kenyan Singer Allows Fans Dip Fingers Into Her Privates (picture)

This is a picture of a Kenyan Singer
performing on stage, and later at a
point in time, she bent down close to the fans and hurriedly the fans started deeping their hands into her sewer, and to my greatest shock she didn’t even bother to escape and later said she had a fun performance, can you imagine?. 

The singer, in a video that has now gone viral, is seen calling a fan on stage to dance.. 

The singer, Iryn Namubiru has sent social media buzzing for some days now for a feat many have said should definitely make its way into the Guinness Book of Records.

The songstress gave a new definition to entertainment when she decided to thrill her fans to the fullest by allowing them to have a go at her private part, while performing on stage in the United States some days ago.

 Pictures of the very intriguing incident went viral on several social media sites and blogs with many readers condemning the action by the sexy musician.

The singer, born Irene Namubiru, according to reports, midway through her performance bent down very close to her elated fans who advantageously did not spare a second to dip their hands into her private part. Iryn Namubiru, who was wearing skimpy dress, did not bother to escape from the several fingers that were busy massaging her private part.

 Interestingly, Iryn known for several hit songs including Tebiba Bingi said she had a fun filled performance.

Which of our Naija Female Artistes do
you think can go this far

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