Pyramids in Egypt, photo taken during the construction in 2549 BC. Proof it wasn't aliens... they just took the photo.

Pyramids in Egypt, photo taken during the construction in 2549 BC. Proof it wasn't aliens... they just took the photo

There is no credible evidence to suggest that the pyramids were built by aliens or another civilization before the ancient Egyptians. The construction of the Egyptian pyramids is a remarkable feat of ancient engineering and architecture, but there is ample evidence to support the consensus among historians and archaeologists that they were built by the ancient Egyptians themselves.

Archaeological evidence, including tools, inscriptions, and workers’ settlements near the pyramid sites, indicates that the pyramids were constructed by skilled Egyptian laborers over a period of many years. The techniques used in building the pyramids are well-documented in ancient Egyptian texts and artwork.

Claims of alien involvement or alternative civilizations building the pyramids often rely on pseudoscientific theories and speculative interpretations of ancient texts and monuments. These claims lack empirical evidence and are not supported by the mainstream scholarly community.

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