Jennifer Lopez gets stuck in formation during Las Vegas performance

Jennifer Lopez has fallen and she can’t get up.

The 47-year-old singer needed a little help when she bent over backwards during a show at the Axis Theater inside Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas and couldn’t maneuver her way out of the position.

Instead, backup dancers in glittery orange suits had to pull JLo to her feet on stage in a less than graceful break from the choreography.

Backup dancers had to help the 47-year-old dancer off the floor.
Backup dancers had to help the 47-year-old dancer off the floor.

Her reps told the Daily News that the “dramatic knee slide” is part of the performance.

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Lopez performs four times a week at Planet Hollywood during her “All I Have” residency, which promises her “fierce talents and megawatt star power.”

Between shows, Jenny from the block has been spending most of her free time with new boyfriend Alex Rodriguez.

The celebrity couple, who started dating in early 2017, made their red carpet debut at the Met Gala in early May.

Lopez performs four times a week at Planet Hollywood as part of her Vegas residency.
Lopez performs four times a week at Planet Hollywood as part of her Vegas residency.

They’ve also been spotted in Manhattan and Miami with various members of both families.

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Cardi B, 26, was photographed performing on stage on Sunday at The Real 92.3 Street Fest in Anaheim.

The rapper rocked long braids that trailed all the way down to her thighs

She wore a long-sleeve white jumpsuit that had loads of detail.

It had black, blue, and purple glitter stars all over and cut outs at her chest and her sides.

The jumpsuit also had blue and purple fringe going up the middle surrounding the cutouts.

She matched her hair with the attire featuring long braids that turned to shades of teal, blue, and purple once it reached past her chest.

She had her hair parted down the middle and even rocked bright blue nails.

Cardi had her makeup done to the nines and appeared to be ready for a fun night. 

When she's not getting ready to headline the nation's biggest concerts, she's asking the real questions.

She took to Twitter a couple of days ago to speak about something important -- ketchup.

'People who put their ketchup in the fridge are not to be trusted,' she tweeted on the 8th.

'Like imagine cold ass ketchup on your fucking eggs. That shit really p*sses me the f*ck off -_-
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The most reprehensible American serial killer, rapist, arsonist and robber

Hurry it up, you Hoosier bastard! I could kill a dozen men while you're screwing around!"

These were the last words uttered by Carl Panzram moments before he was executedThe most reprehensible American serial killer, rapist, arsonist and robber.

At the time of his arrest he claimed he had killed 22 people and sodomized 1,000 boys and men.

For more than 16 years, this 6 foot tall giant was a carnage to recon with. He robbed, killed and raped across cities and continents.

When he was caught, finally, (he had been caught previously on charges including robbery and arson but managed to escape from jail everytime), he confessed to his true crimes. However,he stated:

“I am not the least bit sorry.” He was evil personified, and in his own words he "had no conscience, never believed in man, God, or the devil." “I hate the whole damned human race,”

Confessing to brutally killing a small boy after sodomizing him in Angola he stated :

"His brains were coming out of his ears when I left him and he will never be any deader." - Carl Panzram

This monster had no conscience at all. An evil incarnate and the personification of a one-man crime wave.

At this point writing more about him I will wretch up my supper. You can read more about him here.

Damn, the bastard even had a personal vendetta against the then President of USA William Howard Taft. He burglarized his house, stole his pistol (which he used to commit some of the murders) and a fair amount of money he bought a yacht with.

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US Army nurse forced to be comfort women during WWII

During World War II, there were instances of sexual exploitation and coercion that affected women in various countries. However, it is important to clarify that one US Army nurse was forced to be comfort woman during this time

At least one American nurse was raped by the Japanese on Bataan at bayonet point. This subject was too sensitive to be mentioned in the U.S. press during the war and you will be hard pressed to document it. As I recall, the name, date, and circumstances are given in Pacific War P.O.W.: A Few Remaining Skeletons by Cain. Another excellent resource is The Real Tenko: Extraordinary True Stories of Women Prisoners of the Japanese by Dr. Mark Felton.

The Japanese most often just raped and executed white females and nurses on the spot, such as at Hong Kong, rather than take the trouble to ship them to the established comfort women buildings elsewhere, which came under a different Japanese command. There were Dutch white women in Java and NEI (Netherlands East Indies at the time) who were put into comfort women establishments. There are some important diaries and autobiographies from these Dutch women survivors. Some were very young teenagers at the time of their capture in 1942. Modern research estimates that at least 65 were forced into this sexual slavery by the Kempeitai, or Japanese military secret police.

The massacre of the Australian nurses at Radji Beach on the small island of Banka, south of Singapore, is an unimaginable horror. There, the Japanese Army machine-gunned 21 Australian women, nearly all of whom were nurses, who had just struggled ashore after their ship was sunk. Of the 65 nurses who had escaped from Singapore when it fell, only 24 were still alive when the war ended. There are photos of them deplaning and looking like human skeletons, barely able to walk. Though the war was over, when the Australian soldiers saw them, they started yelling at their officers: “Give us our guns!”

How about nuns? In August 1942, two Catholic priests, a Dutchman, an American and two Catholic nuns, ages twenty-five and thirty-five, were bayoneted to death by the Japanese in the village of Tsimbolo, on Guadalcanal. Since the bodies of the two nuns were found completely naked, it was concluded by investigators at the time that both had been gang-raped by the Japanese.

In January 1944, the Kempeitai arrested three female missionaries at the Santo Tomas civilian and female internment camp in Manila. These were Dr. Hawthorne Darby and Helen Wilk who had jointly run the Immanuel Cooperative Hospital in Manila before the war, and the Reverend Mary Stagg, minister at the Cosmopolitan Church in Manila. All three were executed by the Japanese on 28 August 1944. The total dead from just this one civilian camp was 466.

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See How many babies were born at Auschwitz

Auschwitz wasn't built for birth.

It was a machine designed to extinguish life, a factory calibrated for mass murder.

But even in that smoke-choked hell, life found a way.

Babies were born in filth, beneath the shadow of the chimneys, their cries a defiant whisper against the roar of the Nazi death machine.

Records – when they exist at all – are smudged and incomplete.

But the whispers persist.

Stanisława Leszczyńska, the Polish midwife, her hands forced to serve the Reich, spoke of delivering thousands of babies.

Three thousand acts of defiance, three thousand mothers clutching at hope even as the world spiraled into madness.

But maybe those numbers fall short.

The Auschwitz Museum, their careful research painting a picture just as grim, cites hundreds of births.

Likely more, considering the chaos, the Nazis' obsession with destroying records, and the countless women who vanished into the camps, their pregnancies hidden until it was too late.

These babies – they weren't meant to survive.

Many were drowned, at the orders of the SS butchers.

Others froze, starved, fell prey to the diseases that festered in those barracks.

A lucky few might have been sent off for 'Germanization', stolen from their mothers and raised to deny their heritage.

A handful, a bare handful, lived to see the Soviets break open the gates in '45.

Understand, there's no military terminology for this.

No tactical advantage gained or lost in the birthing block.

Children don't have strategic value, not to men like those who ran Auschwitz.

These births were a threat, a stubborn strain of humanity refusing to be snuffed out.

They were hope in its most desperate form, and the Nazis did everything in their power to crush it.

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Germany use child soldiers in WW2

this is a Russian “Child of the Regiment.” These tended to be orphans adopted by a military unit. These children where, as you tell, often armed to teeth and almost always found at the front line. The German army used child soldiers extensively at the end of the war.

The Volksstrum was made up of men previously wounded, the elderly, and, most often, children. These soldiers where forced into uniform and thrust against the Allies. Often, if captured, they would be told to loose the uniform and go home.

The Americans didn’t conscript children like Germany, but it was rather easy for underage people to join up. One member of the Marines was awarded the Metal of Honor for saving several comrades from a grenade. Before the awards ceremony, it was discovered that he was 17, and had joined up at the tender age of 14!

The Japanese used many child soldier in the battle of Okinawa. Some of these children were even sent as suicide bombers against American tanks. In the battle of Iwo Jima, 30 botany students where stranded on the island. These children where each given 2 grenades; one to use against the enemy, one to use on themselves.

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In 2016, Miley Cyrus became up close and personal with her public

In 2016, Miley Cyrus became up close and personal with her public. The place was London. And her private parts. Miley Cyrus is the Michael J...