Female insurgent walking home and a knocked out IS 3 tank in the background. After the revolution she was sentenced to death and executed. Photo by Erich Lessing
Female insurgent walking home and a knocked out IS 3 tank in the background. After the revolution she was sentenced to death and executed. Photo by Erich Lessing. Budapest, near the Kilian Barracks, 1956 October
They call for ''**dictatorship** of the proletariat'', with all the conclusions that come from it. In all the states that tried to install Communism or ''advanced Socialism'' or whatever you want to call them, no democracy and no other powers aside from Communist party were allowed to have any say in anything. In fact if you tried to disagree with the Communist party, you were branded a traitor or a enemy and attacked in all of them
The funny thing is that in the initial phase of the rebellion, many members of the communist party in the USSR wanted to deal with it diplomatically and to resolve it peacefully. For example, Soviet Marshall Georgy Zhukov (who wanted to fully cooperate diplomatically and economically with the west after the war) really wanted that the new Government taking power in Hungary had a fair amount of independent power and that reforms to make them more independent of the USSR should be made.
The tanks sent in Budapest soon after the expulsion of the communist regime were only sent to calm the "rebellion", they didn't expect the Hungarians to shoot Molotov cocktails at them. Even after that, many people in the Soviet government wanted to support the uprising, but being too few to take proper action, they had to let the situation develop.
The reason why diplomatic actions weren't taken and that tanks and infantry were once again sent to Budapest is actually because of the things the Hungarians did. Their support in the Soviet government disappeared once they started to hang and shoot Hungarian communist politicians, even Zhukov didn't support them at this point. For the Soviets, something had to be done quickly, and the false rumors spreading that western nations were sending material to the uprising didn't help.
I do not defend or demonize any side in my comment. It is simply to explain that it was a complicated diplomatic event that cannot be resumed to one side being evil because they wanted to.
Also, I could argue that the USSR killed less than the Nazis and that there was a big change during and after Stalin's regime but that is beyond the point.
''if you dont like Soviets, you are automatically a Nazi'' bullshit, how braindead must one be to actually believe that, especially when we are talking about time almost 2 decades after World war 2 had ended and a country that had been in Communist block for that entire time period. Many of those who fought on those streets were members of Hungarian communist party themselves, yet people like you call them ''Nazis'', just beautiful
Also I love you writing ''Radical nationalists'', they are in their own goddam country
That's right, the Nazis, 11 years after the end of the war. Not only that, I will tell you a terrible secret (only you don’t tell anyone, this is a secret!), The Nazis still exist, the real ones, and they don’t even hide from the public. In Eastern Europe there are especially many of them.
If you study the topic of the Hungarian uprising with available documents, rather than with politicized newspaper articles where "freedom fighters" are glorified, you will learn what the "Crossed Arrows" organization is. What are the former officers and military personnel of the Khortyts (the Hungarian army of Admiral Horthy) and what role they played in the rebellion.
Naturally, all these guys called themselves "democrats" and "socialists", will they not openly state their real political plans?))
I understand that you don’t like that the opponents of the countries of the communist bloc are often called "Nazis" ... but there is one problem - unfortunately, the Western forces very often resorted to the help of right-wing and nationalist organizations in the fight against the USSR and its allies . It was like this all over the world, and now they also don't like to remember about it.
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