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Whilst taking a picture of my friend,I noticed a lady taking a picture of me

I just came across this picture , what happened here is that I was somewhere in Sandton meeting a friend ..

Whilst taking a picture of my friend,I noticed a lady taking a picture of me 😁. 

My friend was so furious about it. He went over to confront her and there was a little scene 🙉😹. 

She apologised and ran out of the restaurant.. 

 deep inside I wish she had stayed and talked to me , and get a chance to absorb what she is seeing . I wanted a chance to tell her to not do this to another person, because it will remind an innocent soul that they are so "different" to the normal and for others it will hurt them, not everyone will reach the level of contentment I am at , so we therefore should not stare, take pictures and make remarks ...

So besties remember People with facial differences and disabilities didn't choose their lives. Don't make it uncomfortable for them to leave the door❤️❤️..

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