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Here are the types of food the WWII concentration camp prisoners fed to keep them alive

During World War II, concentration camp prisoners were often given minimal and insufficient rations to keep them alive.

The conditions in the camps were deliberately designed to subjugate, exploit, and ultimately exterminate those deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime.

The prisoners endured extreme hunger and malnutrition, which led to the suffering and death of millions.

The food provided to concentration camp prisoners was typically meager, poor in quality, and lacked essential nutrients.

The rations varied depending on the specific camp, its purpose, and the policies enforced at that particular time. However, some common elements of their diets included:


Often made with low-quality flour and sometimes mixed with other substances to stretch supplies, the bread provided little nourishment.


A thin, watery soup made from vegetables, potatoes, or other low-cost ingredients was occasionally given to prisoners.

This soup was often inadequate to meet their nutritional needs.


In some cases, a small portion of margarine or fat was included in the rations as a source of calories.


Boiled or mashed potatoes were sometimes provided to supplement the diet, although the quantity was typically insufficient.

Small Portions of Other Foods:

On rare occasions, small portions of sausages, cheese, or other items might have been distributed.

However, these were infrequent and generally not enough to sustain the prisoners adequately.

Starvation: As the war progressed and resources became scarcer, many prisoners faced near-starvation conditions.

Starvation diets were intentionally used as a method of control and extermination.

It's important to emphasize that the goal of the Nazi concentration camps was not to keep prisoners alive but rather to exploit their labor, torture, and exterminate them.

As a result, the living conditions were purposely harsh, and the food provided was far from sufficient to maintain health and well-being.

Many prisoners suffered from severe malnutrition, diseases, and exhaustion due to the lack of proper nutrition, leading to the deaths of millions of innocent people during the Holocaust.

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