ways in which the German people benefit from the Nazi regime

Lots of sex if you were young and thought of genetically desirable. They were breeding healthy Aryan girls with an equivalent sorts of men. Blonde and blue eyed to the front of the road .

it had been free, uncommitted sex. Something children tend to love . and therefore the Reich took care of the babies in special SS “Kindergartens” called Lebensborn to boost them to repopulate the conquered territories.

Most would be adopted bent select families, mostly of the SS. it's estimated 900 pregnancies resulted from the Nuremberg rallies alone.

Sex between select, young, genetically pure Germans was encouraged. Awards, like Cross of Honour of the German Mother got to women who contributed the foremost to the Reich.

The German supreme headquarters knew that they had to form up for the many soldiers and civilians who would be lost within the war.

They thought future . But the Reich only lasted 12 years, not a thousand, so it had been all for naught.

  • Sports and fitness were also widely organized and encouraged. and other people were taught to embrace manual labor, not look down thereon as in previous generations.
  • Hitler made German people feel proud and brought a sense of strength back to the country after the embarrassment and shame of the treaty of Versailles.
  • Workers went on holidays for the first time. Hitler’s ‘Joy through Work’ programme allowed people to go to places like Norway and free trips to the German coast.
  • Many German people benefited under Nazi rule in the 1930s. The massive economic problems from the Wall St Crash in 1929 had ended.
  • In their place there was employment and financial stability. The Nazis also replaced Germany’s honour and pride. There was more optimism and self confidence.

So life was pretty good for many Germans until the war came home to them.

Pics: Google

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