The most reprehensible American serial killer, rapist, arsonist and robber

Hurry it up, you Hoosier bastard! I could kill a dozen men while you're screwing around!"

These were the last words uttered by Carl Panzram moments before he was executedThe most reprehensible American serial killer, rapist, arsonist and robber.

At the time of his arrest he claimed he had killed 22 people and sodomized 1,000 boys and men.

For more than 16 years, this 6 foot tall giant was a carnage to recon with. He robbed, killed and raped across cities and continents.

When he was caught, finally, (he had been caught previously on charges including robbery and arson but managed to escape from jail everytime), he confessed to his true crimes. However,he stated:

“I am not the least bit sorry.” He was evil personified, and in his own words he "had no conscience, never believed in man, God, or the devil." “I hate the whole damned human race,”

Confessing to brutally killing a small boy after sodomizing him in Angola he stated :

"His brains were coming out of his ears when I left him and he will never be any deader." - Carl Panzram

This monster had no conscience at all. An evil incarnate and the personification of a one-man crime wave.

At this point writing more about him I will wretch up my supper. You can read more about him here.

Damn, the bastard even had a personal vendetta against the then President of USA William Howard Taft. He burglarized his house, stole his pistol (which he used to commit some of the murders) and a fair amount of money he bought a yacht with.

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