The most eerie true crime cases you have read about

 They looked like the average 12-year-old, playing in the woods.

But Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were far more sinister than that. For months, the girls had been planning and plotting a murder on their classmate, Payton Leutner.

The girls lured Payton to a sleepover and originally planned to stab her that night — but decided they couldn't go through with it. The following day, they grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and set off for the woods for an outdoor play session.

It all started with a game of Hide and Seek.

Payton crouched down and the girls pounced on her back, stabbing her 19 times!

Having promised to go and search for help, the girls ran several miles away from the scene, to a place they believed was Slender Man's castle.

Yes, the girls truly thought they were servants of the fictitious character, Slender Man — a tall creature with a blank face and thin legs. If they failed to please the Slender Man, he would harm them and their families.

Despite the heinous attack, Payton managed to crawl for help in the woods. She was found critically wounded by a cyclist, who called for an ambulance.

Thankfully she survived, and the two girls have a long sentence ahead of them!

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