The disappearance of Lars Mittank in 2014

The disappearance of Lars Mittank in 2014.

On June 30, 2014, 28-year-old German, Lars Mittank travelled with friends to Bulgaria on a holiday.

During this vacation, Lars and his friends spent their week partying and going to pubs… pretty typical holiday activities.

On July 6, Lars was involved in a bar fight with other German tourists, which left him with a number of jaw injuries, and a ruptured eardrum. He was prescribed an antibiotic Cefprozil (500mg), and doctors advised him not to fly because of his ear injury.

The group were meant to return to Germany on July 7, but insisted they stay with Lars in Bulgaria until it was safe for him to fly. However, Lars refused this, and reassured that he would be fine on his own.

The rest of the group flew back to Germany as planned. One of his friends later reported that when they left Lars, he was in a “good mood” and “relaxed.”

This is where things became sketchy and creepy.

Lars checked out of the hotel that he and his friends were staying in on July 7. He then checked into another hotel that was located closer to the airport.

CCTV footage in the hotel caught Lars behaving strangely. He was pacing up and down the foyer, hiding in the elevator, constantly checking his surroundings and appeared paranoid about something or someone.

At 1am on July 8, Lars left that hotel and called his mother. He had whispered to her that four men were following him and trying to kill or rob him. He also requested that she cancel all his bank accounts and credit cards, so that he couldn’t be tracked.

His mother booked him a plane ticket back to Germany for the morning of July 8. Lars then packed all his belongings and went the Varna Airport later that morning.

Security camera footage captured him entering the airport and consulting with the airport doctor regarding his ear injury.

45 minutes later, an unknown man dressed like a construction site worker entered the medical services. Lars suddenly became anxious, mumbled something and sprinted out of the airport, leaving all of his belongings behind.

The security camera caught Lars fleeing the airport in a panic. Outside, he was seen running to a nearby field where he jumped over the fence and disappeared into the forest without a trace.

Lars has never been heard from or seen since.

He has now been missing for over 6 years, and still no one knows where he is, what happened to him, or why he fled the airport in a state of panic.

This missing person case always comes to my mind when I think of eerie true crime. What makes it so bizarre is that we don’t know what caused Lars to drop all his things and vanish outside the airport. We don’t know if he was really being hunted down by four men, or why he became so paranoid in the last days of his Bulgaria trip.

All the circumstances surrounding his disappearance are just extremely sketchy, and we may never find out what happened to him.

Thanks for reading!

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