The dark secrets of Gandhiji

The story of his purity tests with his great-nieces, Manu and Abha. To prove his virtue, Gandhi bathed naked with the granddaughters of one of his siblings. He also slept with them, naked. The girls were naked, as well. They were pretty and he wanted to prove to himself and his devotees how “lust had no control over him”.

The girls were in their teens when these practices began and they continued until around their early twenties, around the time Gandhi was assassinated. I imagine a scenario where I would be a man in my seventies and I went to my brother, and we had the following conversation:

Jean-Marie-ji: “Hey, bro, can I borrow your granddaughters for something?”

Brother: “Sure, Jean-Marie-ji, what for?”

Jean-Marie-ji: “Well I want to sleep with them naked…”

Brother: “Eh… wtf…”

Jean-Marie-ji: “And then I want bathe them naked too… wash their bodies… have them wash mine…”

Brother: “Jesus Christ dude what… why??”

Jean-Marie-ji: “To prove that I’m not lustful… if I don’t get a boner it means I have beaten lust!”

At this point, my brother would proceed to beat the everlasting daylights out of me, and he would call the police. Because that sort of thing can only be the product of a truly demented mind…

…but if you’re a man known as “Mahatma”, elevated to near-sainthood by your supporters… people will turn a blind eye. Funny how that works. If Gandhi had pulled shit like this in the year 2024, authorities would conviscate his computers and order a house search.

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