Sex in the Wild West was characterized by a mix of progressive attitudes and harsh realities

Sex in the Wild West was characterized by a mix of progressive attitudes and harsh realities. Here are some key points:

  1. Homosexuality was relatively accepted: Homosexual relationships were common among men, particularly in the context of "bachelor marriages" where men would couple up in unions. This was seen as a natural arrangement given the scarcity of women4.
  2. Prostitution was widespread: With a significant imbalance between the number of men and women, prostitution became a common solution. Brothels were often grand and elegant, and madams held significant influence in the community. Prices ranged from 25 cents to $14.
  3. Contraception was limited and dangerous: Since condoms were expensive, women often resorted to ingesting poisonous "abortifacients" to induce miscarriages. This method was dangerous and often had severe consequences.
  4. Women's rights were more progressive: Women in the Wild West enjoyed more freedom and rights compared to their Eastern counterparts. They could own property, divorce more easily, and even vote in some territories. This was partly due to the scarcity of women, which made their skills highly valued.
  5. Gender roles were fluid: While traditional gender roles were prevalent, there was a degree of flexibility. Women could 

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