Reasons why female musicians wear so little or revealing clothes

The media has been a very powerful tool for centuries, through means of propaganda an image can be created depicting a false reality, or almost in a way forcing people to see something in a certain manner.

 The music industry is very powerful, as we grow we become accoustomed to the things we see, when young kids see nudity in music videos, videos that are being celebrated by the vast majority, they will in turn think nudity is something normal and of course these kids are what make up future generations to come. Statistics show men make money more than women do, and studies of the human body show men have greater sexual desires than women. Thus a way to get men to consume these videos is to get women undressed, calling it a liberating movement for the audiences to not criticize. In fact nudity is so much incouraged that covering up is considered dehumanizing. Although in vision what truly is dehumanizing is having women wear less. As humans progressed they covered more, but we have somehow managed to turn that around. What is more dangerous is these music videos wrok in a way like venom does, as we watch them and listen to them we become not only accustomed to their ideals, but we as well beleve that thier messages are correct. Some girls are brought up believing that their funtion is to atract the most men, and this is what judges their worth. Men who see these vids can begin to dehumanize the women they see, and stare at them judgng them based on their bodies. If you check comments for videos they will praise women who uncover, but it would be to my suprise if at the end of the day these women truly feel liberated for exposing themselves for money, and for every eye to be on something which should be so precious to them. In a few words to describe what goes on is Èshamelessness is celebrated

If a (mostly female) Pop Entertainer wears revealing clothes they are simply likelier to get more attention. Such strategy is old as hell and was likely not developed by entertainers themselves but rather by their managers. Even though the modern Pop scene really started out in the 50s/60s it was in the eighties, with entertainers such as Madonna that this trend really started to become prominent. Sure, female entertainers have always used their fair appearance to build their public image but they weren't always presented in ´racy´ or ´revealing´ ways.

Look for example at some big female stars from the 70s:

Debbie Harry

Shirley Bassey

Stevie Nicks

Agneta Falskog (ABBA)

Such entertainers could at times be a bit ´sexier´ but the society these days wasn't as open towards sexually explicit material as it is now. In this period, it would have been hard to imagine that female entertainers would, and even need to rely to sexualizing themselves in order to reach global stardom. In 2015, it seems that non-sexualized female entertainers reaching the top of the charts are more the exception than the rule.

weight in these:

against these:

Basically, the public image of most of these female Pop-stars is carefully crafted in order to appeal to the largest audience. Males will watch their videos and google their names because they've been sexualized almost like porn-stars (some of the pictures selected here really woulsn't be out of place in some porn tubes) and females will be drawn to them because they wish to associate themselves with attractiveness and success. Pop music isn't just music, and Pop-stars don't sell music, they sell a whole package, an image, a concept that originates and goes far beyond music.

Personally I find this a bit silly, especially considering that almost no male pop-stars has to go through the same kind of hard image-crafting work and painfully explicit dance-routing. Still, Female Pop singers are arguably much more ´bankable´ and popular than most of their male counterparts.

Again, none of this would have been possible had those Pop-stars chosen (or rather, had their managers chosen) to dress in a less revealing fashion.

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