Meet the people that ever successfully escaped from prison, reappeared and remained at large forever

1.) Assata Shakur (Tupac Shakur Auntie)

On November 2, 1979, the escape began when three BLA members, posing as prison visitors, drew .45 pistols and took two correction officers hostage. They seized a prison van and used it to flee the correctional facility with Shakur. It is believed by law enforcement that she is in Cuba.

2.) Glen Stark Chambers

Chambers was at the Polk Correctional Institute serving out his sentence for first-degree murder. Concealing himself in a truck leaving the prison, Chambers made his way outside of prison walls. He was then able to break free from the truck without the driver noticing he was even there. Chambers has since been reported as possibly living in several states including Alabama and Minnesota. Unlike Glen Stewart Godwin mentioned by Mac Tatum, it is believed he is still in the U.S there has also been suggestions that he was part of Mensa and learned Spanish in prison as well.

3) Eleanor Jarman

Eleanor Jarman was born in 1904 so she is definitely dead at this point she was sentenced to 199 year in jail for her part in a robbery where the shop owner was killed. Her accomplice in the robbery George Dale was sentenced to the electric chair, Jarman remained a model prisoner until 1940 where she escaped from prison after she heard her son ran away. She apparently went to Sioux City, Iowa, confirmed that her children were alright and then went underground. She was put into the FBI's Most Wanted list, but was never found. If Eleanor was alive she would be 113 years old.

4) Sharon Kinne

Sharon Elizabeth Hill Kinne is not a typical serial killer. She was very specific in her choice of victims and had a solid motive for killing each one. Most interesting, Sharon is one of few who has escaped from prison, remained at large, and may even still be alive somewhere south of the border with Mexico.On December 7, 1969, Kinne was not present for a routine 5 p.m. roll-call at the Ixtapalapan prison where she was serving her sentence, but her absence was not officially noted until she also failed to show up at a second roll-call later that evening.More than forty years after her escape, Kinne remains at large, her whereabouts and ultimate fate unknown.

5.) Priscilla Frey

Priscilla Frey had been in prison for less than six months when she and two other inmates broke out of a Kansas prison on Christmas Eve 1974. Their plan wasn't complex: They climbed an 8-foot fence and ran.Frey's path to prison began with an arrest on charges of forging a check at a shoe store in Hutchinson, Kan. She skipped bail, got into trouble with the law in Maryland, was extradited back to Kansas and was sentenced to serve up to 10 years for the forgery and up to five years for failing to appear in court.The other two escapees were later apprehended, but Frey was never found. She's now 67 if still alive.

Most of these cases date back at least 30 years before mass surveillance became so prevalent in our daily lives so it was easier to go on the run. However it is to be noted these individuals are the exception not the rule. Crime does not pay if you want it to go to Law School.

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