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List of the most requested last meal for death row inmates

List of the most requested last meal for death row inmates

Over the years, death row inmates last meal requests have been into record. Here are the list of the most requested meal by death row inmates. Go through them and see your favourite 

In Texas, before they ended the practice, prisoners could ask for anything they wanted. Prison cooks would do their best to make it with what was on hand. Sometimes COs would bring in food from outside if the request wasn't too outrageous.

Looking over several last meal requests, here are they

Chocolate cake.

Popcorn Seeds

potatoes and boiled fish

Cheese burst Pizza from Dominos

Shakti Sandwich

Gulab Jamun

Bengali sweet (one with rasmalai)


Dry Manchurian

Panner Chilly Dry

A special Lassi

Mashed potatoes, mince, gravy, peas and onions.

Chesse butter masala with Butter Roti


All type of fast foods

Different type of desserts

Spicy noodles

Ice creams

Rice and dhal ( my moms dish)

20 oz Wagyu New York Strip, rare. With ketchup. I've never had Wagyu.

Home-made crunchy potato chips, like the ones you can get at some good bars. With ketchup.

6 crab rangoons. With ketchup.

A 32-oz glass of peach sweet tea. Without ketchup.

And for dessert, creme bruleé, drizzled with Godiva chocolate and caramel sauce.

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