Jewish female prisoners in concentration camps were not r@ped because it was illegal for Germans to kiss or sleep with a Jew

Jewish female prisoners in concentration camps were not r@ped because it was illegal for Germans to kiss or sleep with a Jew

Guards were generally speaking discouraged from raping Jewish or Roma prisoners. They were not discouraged from raping other prisoners, such as political prisoners etc.

On the other hand, prisoners were usually skeletal, shaved bald, smelly, and fairly sick with diarrhea, so at least some of the guards were squeamish enough to void raping them (but not squeamish enough to beat and kill them).

It is also worth noticing that:

in female camps or female sections of the camps most guards were female too;

guards were anyhow few and far between, most guarding duties were undertaken by a special class of inmates called kapos; an inmate could go whole days without spotting a guard except during the morning and evening role call, but would be constantly in the presence of a Kapo. Indeed Kapos were the perpetrators of most of the beatings and rapes.

Finally, some female inmates were picked and forced to become prostitutes in the lager brothel. This brothel wasn’t used by the SS guards, but all male Kapos had access to it once a week, along with a number of other privileged inmates (obviously, Jewish Kapos had Jewish women being forced to prostitute). Besides, homosexuals were forced to have intercourse weekly with these women.

So, in the end it is more or less true that Jewish female inmates would not be frequently raped by the SS guards, this does not mean that the SS guards would not rape non-Jewish female inmates (which made up over half of the female Lager population, as most female Jewish inmates were gassed on arrival) or that camps were free from rape: indeed rape of the female inmates was systematized through the Lager brothel system.

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