Instead of a last meal, could a death row prisoner ask for a last request?

Instead of a last meal, could a death row prisoner ask for a last request?

The ‘last meal’ is a custom. It isn’t rooted in law, and thanks to Mr. Lawrence Brewer who killed an African-American by dragging him behind his truck, the state of Texas no longer allows the ‘last meal’ custom after Brewer ordered a massive and extravagant meal in 2011 and then smugly ate none of it.

For the most part, variations of the last meal is not really allowed, regardless of whether its possible for the prison to do or not.

One man, Odell Barnes (also in Texas), requested “Justice, Equality and World Peace” as his last meal before he was executed in 2000. Needless to say the prison was unable to comply with his request,.

Philip Ray Workman had a controversial execution in 2007 as there was a sentiment among people that he was not guilty of the crime he was convicted off. Allegedly that is. He requested that for his last meal, a vegetarian pizza be given to a homeless man. The state denied his request however, apparently some people began a campaign to buy homeless men vegetarian pizzas after that revealing Workman had quite a lot of support.

Serial rapist and murderer William Bonin request 18 servings of Coca-Cola and Pepsi before his execution since he hoped he could die of diabetes first.

And finally Ronnie Lee Gardener was executed in 2010 via firing squad. He requested that he wanted to watch the entire Peter Jackson Lord of the Ring trilogy whilst he had his last meal, and his request was granted.

I’m not sure exactly where, but a man also requested a lump of soil as his last meal and was denied. It seems that as long as the request is fairly reasonable, the prison might grant it, however there are growing sentiments against allowing these dangerous criminals much pleasures before their last moments. Several American states put restrictions even on the last meal, I think in Florida the rule is that it can;t be above 40 dollars and has to be made with local ingredients and so on.

So no. Prisoners most likely cannot go out in the rain. According luxuries to dangerous criminals regardless of them being in the final stages of life will not be viewed favorably by the public.

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