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In the gas chambers in Auschwitz, Reasons why there are now blue residues on the walls

This is a common claim by deniers. Next to the whole “soap” thing, it is maybe the most common argument, and it has to do with Prussian Blue.

If you expose stone to cyanide gas for prolonged periods, there is a chemical reaction, and the stone turns a specific shade of blue called “Prussian blue.” So if the gas chambers were real, why aren’t the walls blue?

The picture below is the picture of the delousing chamber at Auschwitz. Clothing and other materials were put in here and then doused with cyanide gas- specifically Zyklon-B. This was done in order to kill the lice and other bugs that were spreading typhus among the camp workers. The walls were thus stained with that Prussian blue residue like in the photo below.

At Auschwitz, there was originally 1 gas chamber with 3 furnaces more or less used as an experiment to see how effective it was. Eventually, the camp was expanded, and 5 new massive gas chambers and crematoriums were built between 1942 and 1943. As the war started to come to an end, the Nazis demolished the large new gas chambers but left the original. Here is the rubble of Crematorium V.

As stated, the original gas chamber was not destroyed. The chimney was removed, and the holes in the ceiling were patched. The original iron-studded door was also relocated and a smaller wooden door was put in. The building was converted into an air raid shelter.

So here is the argument. Why aren’t the walls of the original gas chamber or the rubble stained blue if cyanide gas was used? Seems logical but it’s actually based purely on willful ignorance as all denier claims are.

Ok, so Prussian blue staining only happens in the following conditions

  1. When the walls/brick is exposed to very high concentrations of cyanide repeatedly
  2. When the walls are not cleaned or fixed

So why don’t the gas chambers have Prussian blue staining

  1. It takes 16 times more cyanide to kill lice than humans. This means higher concentrations of cyanide were used in the delousing chamber
  2. The delousing chamber was never cleaned because it was sanitized with the cyanide gas. The gas chambers were cleaned between uses.
    1. According to Joseph Sachar, the gas chambers were cleaned between uses. The walls were washed, the bodies were stripped of gold teeth, and the room was cleaned. The sick truth is that when people die it’s very dirty. Their bowels let loose and things are left dirty. In order to convince more Jews to enter the room, it needed to be cleaned. After all- they claimed it was a shower.

The walls of the original gas chamber and demolished rubble were tested by the Krakow Institute for Forensics. These tests found high traces of cyanide gas in all the rubble and the original gas chambers.

Here is the study- which is a legitimate study done by legitimate doctors with legitimate peer review.

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Some more evidence for deniers.

Confession from Hans Stark- a Gestapo guard at the camp who personally poured Zkylon-B into the gas chambers. He confessed in a 1963 trial in Frankfurt- NOT Nuremberg.

in a room in the small crematorium which had been prepared for this purpose. the Zyklon-B trickled down over the people as it was being poured in. They then started to cry out terribly for they now knew what was happening to them . . . After a few minutes there was silence. After some time had passed, it may have been ten or fifteen minutes, the gas chamber was opened. The dead lay higgledy-piggledy all over the place. It was a dreadful sight.”

We also have numerous other confessions from Perry Broad and witnesses like Filip Muller. This includes a confession from the Commandant of Auschwitz itself

I personally arranged on orders received from Himmler in May 1941 the gassing of two million persons between June/July 1941 and the end of 1943 during which time I was commandant of Auschwitz.


Rudolf Hoess


Fr. Cdt. R. Auschwitz-Birkenau


This 16th day of March 1946 at (-) Gaol, Girmany

Countersigned : – J. [unknown]

Now, beyond that we have endless confessions. As pointed out to me by Frank C Miller here is a map that shows every single witness and their accounts. There are tens of thousands of witnesses and confirmed mass graves and massacre sites.

Content This map indicates the sites of mass execution sites located by Yahad teams at which the Nazis and their allies murdered Jews in towns and villages throughout Eastern Europe. Each site includes a link to a brief profile and research findings for each location. Site profiles are being added incrementally each month as information is prepared and new sites identified. Use of content This website is a non-commercial educational tool. Text, images, and video clips on the website are the copyrighted property of Yahad-In Unum or are the copyrighted property of other individuals or entities. The content of the website may be used for personal, educational and non-commercial purposes. Any copying or usage of the copyrighted protected materials without the written permission of the owner is prohibited. Yahad-In Unum makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification. Estimated number of victims 1 to 500 victims 500 to 10 000 victims more than 10 000 victims Archives Soviet archives: Soviet archives used in the villagers’ profiles are taken from the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, after war reports about the occupation lead by the Soviet authorities in order to investigate crimes committed by Nazis on the Soviet territory and from the State Security archives of former Soviet republics. The quotation are the original quotation (State Archives of the Russian Federation). German Archives: German archives used in the site profiles are from the archives of the German Justice, prosecution files for the trials of the perpetrators. The quotation are the original quotation (Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes). Polish Archives: Polish archives used in the site profiles are from the Chief Commission for the Examination of Hitler’s Crimes in Poland and the Central Jewish Historical Commission. After the war, the Chief Commission focused on research, examination and prosecution of Nazi crimes. The main task of the Central Jewish Historical Commission was to preserve a record of the gruesome events of the Holocaust. The quotations are the original quotations (Institute of the National Remembrance and Jewish Historical Institute).

Furthermore, here is a list of every denier claim used to debunk Auschwitz and the historical facts that debunk them

Gas Chambers Could Not Have Been Opened Safely in 20-30 Minutes

It is true that if one disinfects a building in ordinary commercial use, it should not be reentered within 20 hours. That figure, however, has no meaning relative to the extermination chambers, which were forcibly ventilated. Fifteen minutes was ample time to replace the air after a gassing. When ventilation was not used, the Sonderkommando (prisoners used as forced labor) who removed the bodies wore gas masks. The Germans had plenty of experience with gas, especially HCN, which was widely used for delousing. They knew how to work with it safely. It is absurd to use the 20 hour figure in this context, as it does not assume forced ventilation and takes a huge safety factor into account. The SS didn't care much for the safety of the Sonderkommando who had to enter the gas chambers to take the corpses out in any event. In some cases, these people did suffer from the remaining gas (see, for instance, Pressac, p. 473)


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