Here is what happens to the Soviet female soldiers when they were being capture by the German soldiers

In the war between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, there were a lot of female soldiers from the Soviet side

The German hierarchy did not believe that women are supposed to be in actual combat. As a result, they used them only for secondary duties like guarding prison camps, drivers, and other jobs.

In contrast, many snipers in the Red Army were women and women pilots of the Russian Air Force took actual part in combat. The Russians threw in almost 1,000,000 women into battle.

This was hard for German army to reconcile. On the 29th of June 194i, Field Marshall Gunther von Kluge, commander of the 4th army issued an order that captured women soldiers were to be summarily shot dead.

Initially, there was an order to shoot Soviet uniformed females on sight, but it was quickly rescinded. Still, plenty of female fighters were shot. They were commonly raped and tortured before that. And that started very early on. Of course, the treatment got more brutal as time went on and Germans got angrier. But plenty of women were not shot. Instead, they were mistreated in concentration and death camps. They were regularly raped by the guards (both Germans and locals) and tortured in ways that I can’t even describe. Naturally, they also had to work. And they were exterminated at will.

Pictured - Soviet female POWs who were taken in the summer of 1941.

This order, of course was illegal and was rescinded but individual commanders continued passing orders and women taken as POWs were shot. However, this was not the end. In October 1941, when many women were captured from behind German lines indulging in partisan activities, Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau issued specific orders that women along with captured Russian soldiers were to be immediately shot dead. Further down the line, the commander of the 75th division General Earnst Hammer issued another order stating roughly the same thing.

The end result of these orders is that the woman soldiers taken as POW’s were summarily shot. However, a few were captured and suffered sexual abuse. The sad part is that these orders were not issued by the Gestapo or the SS but by the so-called professional German army for which there was no excuse.
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