Here is the accounts that exist about the cruelty of Nazi camp guards in all types of camps where Jews and other prisoners were held

In 2014, an elder named Oskar Gröning turned himself in after learning about Holocaust denial.

In court, he gave a very detailed account of his life in Auschwitz. He did say the staff was extremely friendly there and he made very good friends that he’ll never forget. But that’s because he was not a prisoner.

He once stated how brutal the place really was.

After getting off the train with hundreds of other people, a Jewish woman hid her baby in her luggage. The baby started to cry which angered an SS officer and made him look through the luggage to find the crying baby.

He swung the baby by his legs against a truck until the crying stopped. Once Gröning witnessed this, he immediately asked to be transferred out of Auschwitz.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine anyone ever doing that to an innocent child. The Nazis at Auschwitz were truly monsters…

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