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Here are the singers that have vomited on stage

Rihanna: The Grammy award winner star while performing her hit single "What's My Name" during a December 2011 concert in Lisbon, Portugal, Rihanna was forced to run off stage before getting sick. She later made a tweet about the incident, writing, "yep, i ran off stage to throw up, halfway thru What's My Name ... made it back juuuust in time for RudeBoy."

Katy Perry: The Multi award winning singer reportedly upchucked after receiving the Best International Female Award from at the 2009 Brit Awards. "I'm so sick right now, but they said I should show up because something special might happen," was the last thing she said on stage before running away to puke.

Adele: You'd never guess it from her unbelievable vocals, but the Grammy-winning songbird is terrified of performing live. "I puke quite a lot before going on stage," she told the magazine Vogue. "Though never actually on stage...I s--t myself before everything. The bigger the freak-out, the more I enjoy the show!"

Sources: eonline,Billboard.


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