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Germany use child soldiers in WW2

this is a Russian “Child of the Regiment.” These tended to be orphans adopted by a military unit. These children where, as you tell, often armed to teeth and almost always found at the front line. The German army used child soldiers extensively at the end of the war.

The Volksstrum was made up of men previously wounded, the elderly, and, most often, children. These soldiers where forced into uniform and thrust against the Allies. Often, if captured, they would be told to loose the uniform and go home.

The Americans didn’t conscript children like Germany, but it was rather easy for underage people to join up. One member of the Marines was awarded the Metal of Honor for saving several comrades from a grenade. Before the awards ceremony, it was discovered that he was 17, and had joined up at the tender age of 14!

The Japanese used many child soldier in the battle of Okinawa. Some of these children were even sent as suicide bombers against American tanks. In the battle of Iwo Jima, 30 botany students where stranded on the island. These children where each given 2 grenades; one to use against the enemy, one to use on themselves.

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