Female Kurdish fighter from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (ygs Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan, PKK) captured by Turkish Army soldiers

Female Kurdish fighter from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (ygs Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan, PKK) captured by Turkish Army soldiers.

Gassed and poisoned by Saddam.
Shot and blown up by Turks. Betrayed by America. Kurds remain a rock of stability in a sea of violence and mistrust. A brave and stubborn people, wanting a home to call their OWn. I support Kurdish independence and freedom.

Very hard to say any administration has done well in this region of the world. I agree, it was tragic when the Obama administration set a hard and fast withdrawal date from Irag. Resulted in part to the rise of ISIL. But compared to uncle Joe, the guy seems like Churchill.

There are different Kurdish groups, though all want their own nation carved out of other countries, so that is going to be a violent struggle for the ages. Not really that easy to pick good guy over bad guy here. But the Kurds were one of the fevw to effectively fight ISIL. The Turks, well, the Ottomans didn't seem to have an issue ethnically cleansing, as evidenced by history

So this isn't likely to end well for the Kurds. Turkey is a more strategically important nation to all sides.

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