Dbanj Receiving ‘head’ On Stage See Photo

Dbanj Receiving ‘head’ On Stage See Photo

Dbanj was in South Africa a while ago and he is pictured about being ‘Sexually Molested’ by South African Chicks while he was performing on stage.

With the looks of things, Kokomaster enjoyed whatsoever happened there and for the records, we guess he’s really endowed; For Allowing ladies to go down on him like this.. Hehe

Over the weekend, D’banj’s 10th anniversary celebration continued at Kong Night club in South Africa.

At the club, where D’banj thrilled fans in South Africa by performing some of his classic tunes and his latest hit song, ‘Feeling The Nigga’, the Kokomaster went quite raunchy on stage.

Despite the fact that D’banj’s rumoured South African boo, Bonang Matheba was present at the event, D’banj gave an impressive performance and got massaged in some sensitive places in return.

A photo of a female fan with her mouth in D’banj’s private area is currently causing a frenzy online. If it comes off as what it looks, it would not be the first time D’banj with a woman on stage but he has never go‎ne this far.

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