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Chilling last words of killer before he is given lethal injection in brutal execution

Jeffrey David Matthews, indicted in 1994 for the murder of his 77-year-old great uncle Otis Earl Short, delivered his final sentence before receiving a lethal injection at Oklahoma State penitentiary

A man on death row finally answered for the shooting of his elderly great uncle when he was executed to the loud bangs of his fellow inmates, but his last words left a disturbing chill in the execution chamber.

Jeffrey David Matthews, indicted in 1994 for the murder of his 77-year-old great uncle Otis Earl Short, delivered his final words before receiving a lethal injection at Oklahoma State penitentiary. Moments before his death, Jeffrey grinned at his family members and said: "I think that governor's phone is broke. He hadn't called yet."

Former Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry had previously granted two stays of execution for Jeffrey upon pending investigations regarding his claims of innocence. A third was granted only because defence attorneys repudiated motions to substitute a drug in his lethal injection.

Jeffrey and accomplice Tracy Dyer broke into his uncle's home that was east of Rosedale in 1994 armed with a .45 Caliber pistol. Witness testimony indicates Jeffrey shot Otis in the back of the head at close range. In an act just as gruesome, Tracy slit the throat of Otis' wife Minnie Short. She survived the vile attack but died later of natural causes.

But on the fourth attempt the state finally executed Jeffrey, as penitentiary officials pronounced him dead at 6.09 pm, Tuesday January 11, 2011. He drew a sizable audience for his execution with six of his family members there to witness his death, according to CBS, along with more family members of his victim. Some of the 76 other death row inmates performed an impromptu send-off during which they loudly banged on the steel bars of their cells.

"Let my mother know I love her," Jeffrey said facing the room that housed family and spectators. An "I love you too" was heard, but prison officials haven't released the woman's name. "I just want to thank everyone for their support," He continued.

"I also want to thank all my buddies on death row. I hear you banging." Ignoring 10 of the victim's family members present at the execution, Jeffrey shared his final thoughts with his relatives. "I hate to see you all in this situation. I'm sitting here enjoying my last moments. Enjoy your lives." Matthews is the second Oklahoma inmate executed this year.

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