Breast torture

Breast torture

Wooden planks connected by ropes are placed on the top and bottom of the victim's breasts, then gradually drawn together.

Breast torture (also called breast play, nipple torture or tit torture) is a BDSM activity  in which sexual stimulation is provided through the intentional application of physical pain or constriction to the breasts, areolae or nipples of a submissive. It is a popular activity among the kink community.  The recipient of such activities may wish to receive them as a result of masochism or they may have a desire to please a dominant who is sadistic.

Those involved may also be motivated by breast fetishism. Mild breast torture such as light impact play on the breasts is also occasionally used outside of the BDSM context to provide stimulation and pleasure during conventional sex. While breast and nipple torture is usually performed on women, most techniques or methods may also be used on men.

A bondage rigger creating a shinju rope breast harness that can be used for breast bondage

The breasts are sometimes used to satisfy a desire for erotic humiliation. Cruel or disparaging references to the breasts can be used to produce verbal humiliation, while physical humiliation can be achieved through discipline techniques such as breast punishment.

 As with other forms of erotic torture or humiliation breast torture can also be used to satisfy the erotic desire of the dominant with little to no pleasure for the submissive or as a form of corporal punishment. In these cases more painful methods may be used for longer periods so as to cause uncomfortable rather than pleasurable pain.[citation needed]

Kink and BDSM activities are never completely free from risk, but some forms of breast torture, such as the use of clothespins on nipples, light flagellation and simple breast bondage, are considered to be relatively safe and benign.[6] In contrast, some forms of breast torture, such as severe caning, amateur piercing, or being suspended by the breasts, are considered edge activities that can include great risk.

 Anatomically the breasts do not allow someone to be safely suspended by their breasts through suspension bondage techniques. All forms of breast torture require adequate precautions to prevent injury or blood loss.

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