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Showing posts from June, 2024

A Scuba-Diving YouTuber Just Solved A 21-Year-Old Cold Case After Finding Human Remains In A Tennessee River

On April 3, 2000, 17-year-old Jeremy Bechtel called his dad from a party and said he was staying the night, then asked for a ride home the next morning. But when Jeremy’s dad arrived, his son was nowhere to be found, as was Jeremy’s friend Erin. Friends told Jeremy’s dad that the two left together in Erin’s car the night before and never came back. For years, rumors swirled about their disappearance. Some said they ran away to Florida, while others said it was a drug deal gone bad. One person even said he saw them in the back of a truck with blood coming out of it. Police followed all these leads and more, but never turned up anything that might help them solve the case. But last November, a scuba diving YouTuber who works as an amateur investigator on missing persons cases took up the cause — and within days, found the teens’ submerged car in a local river.... Read story  Go inside this incredible discovery: On April 3, 2000, Jeremy Bechtel and his friend Erin Foster went to a party.

November 1, 1955 Jack Gilbert Graham placed a bomb in his mother's suitcase and killed 44 people that day.

Daisy Walker was on her way on a much needed vacation and decided to book a flight to Alaska to visit her daughter. Before her so drove her to the airport, Jack decided to place a bomb in her suitcase.  He thought he planned the perfect murder, as he set the timer on the bomb to go off once she was in the air far away from their city. Once he was at the airport, he bought life insurance on his mother's life, kissed her goodbye and watched her load onto the plane with many other innocent souls. Buying life insurance by passengers was pretty common during the early days of commercial flights. They were readily available in vending machines.  in Chicago, continued on to Denver picking up more people on the way. The next stop was going to be Seattle but it never arrived as it exploded soon after leaving Denver.... Read story It killed every single person on board, 44 people total. The FBI, Police and United Airlines all teamed together for extensive investigation! It all lead them to t

The teen death row inmate who was executed twice

On execution day, executioners strapped Willie into “Gruesome Gertie,” the electric chair that had been used to execute twenty-three people; he convulsed and screamed, but did not die. The portable electric chair, known as “Gruesome Gertie,” was found to have been improperly set up by an intoxicated prison guard and inmate from the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. When the sheriff ordered the electricity shut off, Willie was taken back to his cell, spared and hopeful. Reflecting on the experience afterward, Willie wrote: I didn’t think about my whole life like at the picture show. Just, ‘Willie, you’re going outta this world in this bad chair.’ Sometimes I thought it so loud it hurt my head and when they put the #black bag over my head I was all locked up inside the bag with the loud thinking . . . I felt a burning in my head and my left leg and I jumped against the straps. When the straps kept cutting me I hoped I was alive and I asked the electric man to let me breathe. That’s

The decapitated woman who was the last person in Arizona to be executed by hanging

Eva Dugan gained notoriety by being the only woman executed and the last person in Arizona to be executed by hanging. She was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death for the murder of an elderly chicken rancher, Andrew J. Mathis, and was ordered to be hung for the killing.  Eva claimed innocence until her time ran out but accepted her fate nonetheless. She seemed composed as she mounted the steps towards the gallows, telling the guards, "Don't hold my arms so tight, the people will think I'm afraid." She swayed slightly as the noose was placed around her neck and tightened. As the trapdoor below her feet gave way, her head was decapitated from her body. It rolled to a corner of the platform by spectators' feet. The crowd that gathered gasped. The gas chamber replaced the gallows after that incident. Here is the story in detail Mrs. Eva Dugan, the first woman to be legally executed in Arizona, paid with her life on the gallows shortly before dawn today for the

The prisoner who was injected with a mummifying drug

The prisoner who was injected with a mummifying drug In 2015, Oklahoma Corrections Department officials used the wrong drug to stop an inmate's heart during a botched execution. They were supposed to use potassium chloride to stop Charles Frederick Warner's heart. Instead, they pumped him with potassium acetate, a drug which is used in mixtures for tissue preservation, mummification and embalming, according to the Oklahoman's investigation into the inmate's autopsy report.  At the time of his execution on January 15, Warner, a convicted child rapist and murderer, took 18 minutes to die. “It feels like acid,” said Warner. “My body is on fire.” Nevertheless, a reporter present said it did not appear that he was in any pain, as he never raised his head off the gurney, and did not go into convulsions as previous inmates had. Now the story in Full Oklahoma used the wrong drug to execute Charles Warner in January, according to autopsy records obtained by the The Oklahoman on

30 Hottest Photographs of Debbie Harry on the Stage From the Mid-1970s

Debbie Harry of the punk-pop band Blondie is one of the most stylish, cool iconic women to grace the earth. Before Deborah Ann "Debbie" Harry became the iconic bleach-blonde front woman of the new wave punk band Blondie, she was the adopted daughter of two gift shop owners in New Jersey, a go-go dancer, and Playboy Bunny. It wasn't until the mid-70s that she took to the stage as a singer, but all along she had more style and attitude that she knew what to do with, a coquetish badassness that made her a star. Beyond her hair and eye makeup, she was a pioneer of the mid-70s / late-80s style we see everywhere on the runways today, from one-shoulder tops to berets to colored tights. Here's a collection of 30 hottest photographs of Debbie Harry on stage from the mid-1970s: you can click here to watch the video

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